Imagine never having to feel guilty about where the timber of your new table comes from. Not needing to worry about the origin of the returns of your investments. Imagine rewarding trees for the services they provide and universally accepting the autonomy of forests. What if we could be directly supporting communities who are protecting forests with the click of a button?
In this event, we will explore different ways in which blockchain technology could support reliable and effective sustainable forest management. We will explore how blockchain could support regulation and certification of forest products and take a deep dive into current enabling and constraining factors of forest governance.
We will listen and contribute to possible future scenarios for managing forests and hear from real applications implemented in different regions of the world. Speakers are invited to discuss current gaps and needs to bring effective application of blockchain for forests further.
The event will be virtual with a live session at the FAO office in Rome combined with sessions in an online venue (Vfairs). You are cordially invited to meet with speakers, network, watch a movie, download materials, listen to presentations, and participate in discussions. Participants vary from tech start up entrepreneurs, people living in or around forests, private sector actors, IT-specialists, policy makers, forestry professionals, and academia.
This day is meant for people from across the sector to unite and exchange and possibly get out of it with a new network or project in the pipeline.
Welcome digital forest enthusiast!
Sign up for this packed online afternoon about:
This event is a one-time event organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Wageningen UR (The Netherlands) to discuss the latest developments on blockchain for sustainable forest management. It is a free event where you can expect insightful discussions and presentations, inspiring and hands-on examples, and interesting speakers and attendees to chat and network with.
Auditorium Program
The main sessions will be taking place in the Auditorium, talking about different functions of blockchain for forests management, as governance mechanism, finance mechanism, examples of protocols and a future perspective of autonomous forest.
Exhibition Space
The exhibition space gives organisations opportunity to disseminate materials. Attendees can collect materials like posters, documents, photos to their personal bag which then can be mailed to their personal email. Five booths will have material about the following topics:
Expert in socio-environmental projects
Technical lead / CTO
Partners in crime prevention
Partners in crime prevention.
Managing Director, Environmental Sciences Group
Chief Product Officer
Senior Manager Sustainable Raw Materials and Management Systems
Digital Agriculture and Innovation Specialist (Frontier technologies)
Founder & CEO of Bluenumber
Professor at University of Cambridge